What's New in 2021 at Working 925 Jewelry

Hi everyone! 

Last year was insane. Ok, I said it. Quarantine was the worst, and we are still dealing with it, some states more than others. We are in Washington state and the laws around COVID-19 safety protocol are some of the strictest in the country. But we've made it past 2020 and are all taking it one step at a time - together and apart.

Due to the quarantine and everyone being at home, rocking their stay-at-home-order style on those Zoom meetings, we've seen an uptick in online jewelry sales. We've made some changes in the way we operate to accommodate the new volume and are constantly striving to be better, to grow and flow with the new normal. The large majority of our sales come through our Etsy and eBay stores and we are working hard to provide the same customer experience here on our website to help it grow to match. My main priority has always been great customer service and I take pride in the communication I have with my customers on messages via those sites and when you contact me here (it pings me like a text right to my phone, I love it!). Keeping up with the large volume of messages we get now has been a struggle at times and I try to manage my time wisely so I can respond quickly while also working from home with a 2-year-old, but its all very exciting and we are all just enjoying watching our business grow and having fun with it! 

I can't wait to see what this year holds for us, with the new COVID vaccines coming out. I look forward to seeing more people out on the streets, seeing smiling faces again eventually when its safe to get rid of our masks. I can't WAIT for date night again! I can't wait to dress up and wear my sterling silver jewelry again! Until then, let's enjoy wearing pajamas & sweats from the waist down in our Zoom meetings and stick together through this funky, weird, unpredictable time.

Sending much love your way,


CovidEbayEtsyJewelryMaskOrderQuarantineSafetySilverStay at homeSterlingWorking mom

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