A Place for the Ladies

I've been thinking a lot about my company's message recently and thought, "Why not blog about this?". Let's dive in with some backstory, shall we?

My sisters and I have been working together for a long time. We started working together for a coin shop in Cincinnati, OH, where we were doing various jobs, but together we worked on eBay, listing items for sale. I remember having so much fun working with all the girls at the shop, just cutting up, listening to 1D, laughing and drinking Starbucks lattes. We had such a laid-back work atmosphere and I loved being at work. Admittedly, I am a bit of a workaholic anyway, but the feeling I had when I'd get to the shop and get to sit and chat with the ladies all day while being productive just felt amazing. 

Because of this, I strive to re-create that same laid-back atmosphere in my workspace with Working 925 Jewelry. I am truly grateful that I've been fortunate enough to be able to not only do what I love to do, run my own business, but that it also affords me the opportunity to meet, and work with, incredible women. I love my sisters beyond imagination anyway, but somehow the universe has also blessed me with some truly killer talent in employees. I am constantly inspired to tweak something to be better somehow. There is always room for improvement, and kindness. 

This mentality, of always striving meet the needs of others where I am able to, is what drives the way that I manage my company for the comfort of my employees, contractors, and my customers. I have a mission statement written somewhere about always working towards a 5 star feedback score and I truly feel like that is kind of a theme in my life. It's a "bad" habit of mine to always try to "be perfect", as my therapist puts it haha. In business though, and especially related to customer-service issues, I feel like this trait has served me very well. In thousands of sales, I can count on only one hand the times where, despite every effort I gave, I was unable to fix an issue with a customer. (Side note, weirdly I have always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt by saying, "we don't know what's going on with them, their dog might have just died." and having very recently lost my own dog, Stitch, I can confidently say that that would be a really good excuse for being an a-hole. RIP Stitch-y boy) 

All this said, I'm here for you. Really! That's what this whole post, filled with tangents that I'm great at offering with my Gemini mind, is about. I sat down at my computer this afternoon with the intention of reaching out to you to let you know that this is a safe space for you to be in, to shop in, and I hope to see more of you around here and hear from you too. 

Here's to a 2024 filled with women continuing to be their best, lift others up, advocate for themselves, be corny and sentimental and just really all of the wonderful things that make us say "We are women, hear us roar." Get it, girl.



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